
Motivations for RL in NLG

Image Generations

Image Generation using MSE Loss

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)

\[\begin{gathered} \underset{G\in\mathcal{G}}{\min}\underset{D\in\mathcal{D}}{\max}\mathcal{L}(D,G) =\mathbb{E}_{x\sim{p_\text{real}(\text{x})}}\Big[ \log{D(x)} \Big] +\mathbb{E}_{z\sim{p_z(\text{z})}}\Big[ \log{\big( 1-D\circ{G(z)} \big)} \Big], \\ \text{where }G\text{ is generator and }D\text{ is discriminator}. \end{gathered}\]

Discrapency between Training Objective and Real Objective

Cross Entropy (PPL) vs BLEU

Applying GAN to NLG

Discrete Random Process cannot pass Gradient

Teacher Forcing leads discrapency between training mode and inference mode